Welcome to Valley of the Moon
Kindness is the Real Magic
Valley of the Moon is an enchanted historic fairyland that promotes kindness and imagination. A unique artist-created environment, Valley of the Moon offers a variety of experiences including tours, theatrical performances, and private events. Valley of the Moon turned 100 years old in 2023 and is a 501(c)3 nonprofit formally incorporated in 1945 to foster religious tolerance and brotherly love for all mankind, regardless of race, creed, or color.
We are open the first Saturday of each month for a family-friendly event and the third Sunday for docent-led tours. We are also open for our plays and special events. Private access can be arranged for a fee.
We do NOT have daily open hours. Our public access is largely dependent on our volunteer work force so if you would like to see Valley of the Moon open more frequently, consider volunteering or donating to make it happen!
We do NOT have daily open hours. Our public access is largely dependent on our volunteer work force so if you would like to see Valley of the Moon open more frequently, consider volunteering or donating to make it happen!
A complete list of our upcoming events can be found here
Valley of the Moon gets National recognition!
Valley of the Moon has been granted Affiliate Membership with the Historic Artists’ Homes and Studios, a program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. We are honored to be Arizona's first Affiliate Member and excited to see how this prestigious collective will support our preservation of the vernacular environment Valley of the Moon, which was George Phar Legler’s home and creative workplace.
Southwestern Foundation for Education and Historic Preservation funds Wizard Tower repairs!
The Wizard Tower urgently needs work and Southwestern Foundation for Education and Historic Preservation's generous grant of $20,000 will fund Component 1: Second Floor Repairs. Stay tuned for public events to highlight our plans and progress. You can help Save Valley of the Moon's history by your tax deductible donation or by joining History Guardians and adopting an historic structure.
Featured events:
(See Calendar for complete list of events)
(See Calendar for complete list of events)
Casting Call for Spring Show
2/14 & 2/15
6-8 pm
No experience needed to participate in our theatrical program. We provide free training for those who would like to learn through being in our wonderful Spring play: Bash of the Titans. We accept all ages and abilities. Come out to explore how you can be in a Valley of the Moon adventure play!
Docent Led Historic Tours
Third Sunday of Each Month
Sunday, January 19
2-4 pm
Tickets are $5, members & children under 7 free
Ever wonder about how the Valley of the Moon got started? Here is your chance to go behind the scenes and hear the fascinating history of this magical place. Tours start at 2, 3, and 4 and last about an hour.
First Saturday of Each Month:
Family Friendly Event
No reservations or tickets needed
donations welcome
Check calendar for time and event description
Applications now accepted for:
Teens on the Moon is a safe space for GenderQueer, Transgender, Non-Binary, and Gender-Exploring Teens (ages 13-18) to gather and support one another. Adult mentors are present during meetings and will facilitate group discussion and project development, but this is a teen-led group. Application requests and questions can be addressed to [email protected]
People on the Moon is a social club focused on community building, informational support and creative play for trans, gender-fluid, non-binary, gender-exploring kids (up to and including age 13) and their devoted allies. Application requests and questions can be addressed to [email protected] Teens actively enrolled in Teens on the Moon may also attend People on the Moon meetings
Help Our Buildings Last Another 100 Years
Valley of the Moon must make urgent repairs to the iconic Wizard's Tower and we need your help, Please consider donating to be part of this historic restoration project.
Check out Xplore Tucson's 360 degree video tour!
Sign up for our newsletter!
It's not too late to make a tax exempt donation to Valley of the Moon
We earned Candid/Guidestar's 2024 Gold Seal of Transparency!
Valley of the Moon Photo Album