We had a phenomenal planting day April 2, 2016 establishing our butterfly gardens. Thank you to all the hard working volunteers: Sergio Avila, Bill Bethel, Rob Crosland, Sophia and Milo, Owen and Olive, Murray and Sue DeArmond, Jessica and Julia Jarrett, Scott Reagan, John Kovacik, Chris and Pam Jarrett, Shari Murphy, and Rob Crosland.
Thank you to the following organizations:
Here's what we did:
1. Moved a bunch of dirt for berms (Thanks Murray, Bill, Scott, Julia, and Jess!)
2. Built up the gnome trail itself (Thanks John!)
3. Built up a South berm on the gnome trail (Thanks Owen, Olive, Sophia, and Milo!)
4. Removed two tamarisks and pruned some others (Thanks Murray, Sue, and Sergio!)
5. Removed one old gnarly Rhus Lancea (thanks Bill, Scott, Chris, Rob, and Murray)
6. Made plant cages to keep out the bunnies (Thanks Sue!)
7. Removed blue agave from island and replanted along fence (Thanks Julia and Sergio!)
8. Built beautiful stone terraces (Thanks Rob!)
9. Planted the following (Thanks EVERYONE!):
Pineleaf milkweed, narrowleaf milkweed
Chocolate flower
Desert Willow
Gramma Grass (two varieties!)
Little white flower (bee mist?)
Mexican Sunflower
Agave (several varieties)
Queen of the Desert
Anonymous night bloomer 1
Anonymous night bloomer 2
Anonymous cereus
Wild cotton
More Pipevine!
Bee Bush
Peruvian Apple Cactus
Thank you to the following organizations:
- Arizona Sonora Desert Museum for the plants (especially the pipevine with caterpillars included).
- Southeast Arizona Butterfly Association (SEABA) for their generous planning and consultation.
- Estelle Stern-Eilers for donating night bloomers, agave, and Peruvian Apple Cactus!
- Eegee's for donating lunch for our great volunteers.
- Home Depot on Oracle for donating the use of a stump grinder.
- Plants for the Southwest for the donation of a Queen of the Night native night blooming cereus.
Here's what we did:
1. Moved a bunch of dirt for berms (Thanks Murray, Bill, Scott, Julia, and Jess!)
2. Built up the gnome trail itself (Thanks John!)
3. Built up a South berm on the gnome trail (Thanks Owen, Olive, Sophia, and Milo!)
4. Removed two tamarisks and pruned some others (Thanks Murray, Sue, and Sergio!)
5. Removed one old gnarly Rhus Lancea (thanks Bill, Scott, Chris, Rob, and Murray)
6. Made plant cages to keep out the bunnies (Thanks Sue!)
7. Removed blue agave from island and replanted along fence (Thanks Julia and Sergio!)
8. Built beautiful stone terraces (Thanks Rob!)
9. Planted the following (Thanks EVERYONE!):
Pineleaf milkweed, narrowleaf milkweed
Chocolate flower
Desert Willow
Gramma Grass (two varieties!)
Little white flower (bee mist?)
Mexican Sunflower
Agave (several varieties)
Queen of the Desert
Anonymous night bloomer 1
Anonymous night bloomer 2
Anonymous cereus
Wild cotton
More Pipevine!
Bee Bush
Peruvian Apple Cactus