Playbill Advertisement Agreement. Please complete this form and return with your check made out to Valley of the Moon before September 10, 2024.
Credit card payments can be made at our secure payment portal:
Þ Ads will be in black and white.
Þ Files should be in one of the following formats: high res pdf, high res jpeg, tif, or eps.
Þ Ads will be laid out by our Art Dept proof will be made available and one revision will be allowed
Þ Submit art size as noted below. No added bleed allowance necessary.
Business, Sponsor or Donor name____________________________________________________________________
Email Address____________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Contact______________________________________________________Telephone___________________
Amount of Check Enclosed____________________ Check #____________________Date_____________
Ad Size Dimensions Cost
___ Back Cover 5” x 8” $500 (vertical only)
___ Full Page 5” x 8” $200 (vertical only)
___ Half Page 4.625” x 3.25” $100 (horizontal only)
___ Quarter Page 2.25” x 3.75” $50 (vertical only)
___ Business Card 2.25” x 2” $25 (horizontal only)
___ Camera ready art attached
___ Personalized Greeting (Shout Out!) 1.75” x 1.13” $15
Personalized Greeting Text:
This form can be submitted to [email protected] or your Valley of the Moon contact
This advertisement/donation solicited by____________________________________________
Credit card payments can be made at our secure payment portal:
Þ Ads will be in black and white.
Þ Files should be in one of the following formats: high res pdf, high res jpeg, tif, or eps.
Þ Ads will be laid out by our Art Dept proof will be made available and one revision will be allowed
Þ Submit art size as noted below. No added bleed allowance necessary.
Business, Sponsor or Donor name____________________________________________________________________
Email Address____________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Contact______________________________________________________Telephone___________________
Amount of Check Enclosed____________________ Check #____________________Date_____________
Ad Size Dimensions Cost
___ Back Cover 5” x 8” $500 (vertical only)
___ Full Page 5” x 8” $200 (vertical only)
___ Half Page 4.625” x 3.25” $100 (horizontal only)
___ Quarter Page 2.25” x 3.75” $50 (vertical only)
___ Business Card 2.25” x 2” $25 (horizontal only)
___ Camera ready art attached
___ Personalized Greeting (Shout Out!) 1.75” x 1.13” $15
Personalized Greeting Text:
This form can be submitted to [email protected] or your Valley of the Moon contact
This advertisement/donation solicited by____________________________________________